Silver linings of a demanding 2020 @ ESS

Every year brings with it a handful of key moments that come to define it. But 2020 brought about a few life-altering incidents that the world will not soon forget. As a humanity, we have had to analyze, adapt, and find new ways to work, connect and live. Along with its family, ESS also embarked on this unanticipated challenge, full of surprises, and together we have grown, transformed and advanced. Here’s a brief overview of all the highlights from 2020.
Having completed the fifth year of success in January, we began the year with the launch of our new website. The revamped design and novel implementations on the website were in alignment with the offerings of ESS, and the way our users navigate.
Before the onset of pandemic and the eventual lockdowns, we were fortunate enough to participate in few on-site events. The IGRC 2020 Conference in Muscat, Oman and the StocExpo 2020 in Rotterdam, Netherlands, were both successful and unique opportunities for ESS as it awarded us promising leads in the Oil & Gas industry.
With the advent of the pandemic, virtual platforms for internal and external communication took precedence enabling us to maintain the health & safety of all our relations. Without any hurdles, we were able to continue with our business and meet commitments.
In a manner of turning adversity into an advantage, we used the virtual engagement with our audience to launch our webinar series – “Let’s talk ESS!”. It garnered a lot of attention on social media and enabled us to host up to three noteworthy webinar sessions for free! The sessions not only presented our products and concepts, but also resolved several queries that the audience had in their techniques.
These sessions also paved way for us in delivering several other webinar sessions in third-party conferences during the year. Apart from these, our contribution in other events across the globe did not deter due to the pandemic. During the year, we participated in several virtual events with the provision of independent booths and virtual interaction with interested parties. Some of the notable ones were – ICT Virtual Business Mission by EU business avenue in South East Asia, Online Austrian Technology Day held in Nanjing, China. These virtual events proved, yet again, the unfaltering perseverance of humankind in collaborating and conducting business despite the challenges.
One of the highlights for us this year was the patenting of the revolutionary concept of encapsulated paintshop, which brings several amazing benefits with it. One of the highlights is a severe drop in energy consumption from 650 kWh (in EU) to less than 200 kWh per BIW. On an average, with over 80 million BIWs produced globally, that’s the energy saved for 11 million households annually. Drastic reduction in costs and emissions being a plus, this technology makes the paintshop even more efficient and sustainable.
During the summer, we were also fortunate enough to accommodate three interns from Upper Austria. You can watch them speak about their experience here in the video.
This year will also remain memorable for us, since it steered the establishment of our subsidiary – Immune Technology Steyr, with a focus on the development of protective equipment and solutions for public healthcare. With state-of-the-art simulation solvers of ESS, we bridge the gap between technology and public health.
As what may seem like an award for our efforts this year, we were ranked third in the prestigious GEWINN Young Entrepreneur Awards 2020. Being the oldest award in this category in Austria, we were thrilled and honoured to be ranked 3rd out of the 1000 business who participated in it. You can watch the replay of the event here. Click here to read more.
Though this year has been different for all of us, our journey continues. Our pursuit to deliver top-notch CFD solutions and to serve industries around the globe persists as it always had, and we extend our gratitude to all our well-wishers for it.
Now as we venture into the new year oblivious of the future ahead of us, we leave behind the adversities and take with us the wisdom that the experiences instilled in us.
“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.”
— T. S. Eliot