How the ventilation models from dynairix were validated
Earlier this year, we had launched dynairix, which is the free simulation tool for determining aerosol concentration in a room. Recently, we had two interns from HTL (Higher Technical Institute) Steyr who were able to verify the ventilation model simulated at ESS.

The two students from Electronics/Technical Informatics branch participated in this activity through a talent internship, that was supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency. They created an Internet-of-things (IoT) device that could measure the CO2 concentration in the area. This is truly an achievement for ESS as well, as it shines light on the authenticity of the results obtained from the aerosol simulation with dynairix. When developing tools like dynairix, it’s an important aspect as we could verify that our solver produced results that correspond to the results obtained in reality with the IoT device.
The students and their collaboration with ESS was reported by the Upper Austrian newspaper – OÖ Nachrichten.
Snippet from the article
It’s a question that has preoccupied not only doctors and scientists, but just about everyone in recent months: “How safe from infection with the coronavirus am I in a flat, in an office, or in a classroom?” And how can the risk of infection be minimised? Because it is well known that aerosols play a central role in indoor corona infections. The specialists at Engineering Software Steyr GmbH (ESS) have now succeeded in providing the appropriate answer to an essential aspect of these questions. The simulation software developed by ESS calculates how SARS CoV-2 is distributed in rooms with different floor plans, heights, temperatures and ventilation situations. This makes it possible to quickly and precisely identify danger areas with high concentrations and to develop efficient ventilation concepts precisely for minimising the risk of infection in a wide variety of rooms.

With the special software developed by his team, it is possible to calculate how aerosols are distributed in the room in a wide variety of situations.
As explained by Dr.Martin Schifko, “We can simulate how the risk of infection changes when only one or many people are infected, when they move around the room, when windows or doors are opened, and many other scenarios. Thanks to highly specialised software and a powerful computer centre, a ventilation concept can be developed within a few days that minimises the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 in offices, production rooms, theatres, restaurants, kindergartens or cinemas.”
You can read more from their official website here –